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The Magic of Thinking Big and Overcoming Anxiety – David Schwartz

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Total Views: 749 People Visited
Duration: 05 minutes

In this animated summary of “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz, we cover a few big ideas mentioned in the book. David Schwartz has some awesome ideas, and probably the best in this book is to always truly believe in yourself. Another great tips leads to curing and overcoming anxiety and fear of all kinds; that is to always take action. Action cures fear and always will. Learn how to get rid of any fear simply by taking action and doing something. Try to turn your anxieties into actions you can execute on for immediate help. Acquiring the success you want also composes of eliminating every excuse you’ve ever made. Excusitis is a grave problem and can lead people to live terrible, unfulfilled lives. Learn what stories you’re telling yourself and stop making excuses. Excusitis and Stickability are concepts and ideas David came up with. I recommend reading this book as it is possibly the best self-development book on positive thinking. The Magic of Thinking Big covers a wide range of thinking problems in today’s society and steps we can take to solve them. 

    • The Magic of Thinking Big and Overcoming Anxiety – David Schwartz – Book Review
      00:05 hour(s)
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