'My Friend'- by Khalil Gibran - such a deep understanding of the human condition and it's needs!
Tennesse Williams summed it up a bit more succinctly but without the poetic profundity - He simply said ""we are prisoners in our own skins .
Gibran is trying to express something sublime ...difficult if not impossible to decribe the sublime - in fact I was put firmly in my place once by a professor who explained that something "sublime" is beyond explanation - bit like God really - you may know it or feel it but not describe it .... and as the Bhudists would have it ..don't bother trying ... Here you sure can feel it!...
Music -https://voytekpavlik.bandcamp.com/
Picture - https://pixabay.com/en/desert-drought-dehydrated-clay-soil-279862/
Gibran is trying to express something sublime ...difficult if not impossible to decribe the sublime - in fact I was put firmly in my place once by a professor who explained that something "sublime" is beyond explanation - bit like God really - you may know it or feel it but not describe it .... and as the Bhudists would have it ..don't bother trying ... Here you sure can feel it!...
Music -https://voytekpavlik.bandcamp.com/
Picture - https://pixabay.com/en/desert-drought-dehydrated-clay-soil-279862/
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