How to Make My Operations Manual Work | Ep. #005

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Your goal must be to develop the best working system of the model and when it’s complete your system must work like clockwork.

Welcome to another edition of hospitality property school.

I’m your host Gerry MacPherson and today we are going to talk about what you should include in your operation manual.

The material could vary a little bit from property to property but the frame or structure I’m going to share with you is universal.

It should include the following:

 Company History, Vision & Organization
 Products & Services
 Policies
 Position Statements
 Systems (how it’s done)

“Statistically 9 out of every 10 businesses fail within the first five years.

75% or more of franchises succeed. “

This is why you should not look at your property, as an independent business but as a franchise.

A major component of every successful franchise is their operations manual.

If you’re a small independent hotel, Inn, Bed & Breakfast, or resort the chances of you succeeding increase dramatically if you take the time to develop an operations manual.

As I mentioned in the last video, your Operations Manual should be treated it like a living, breathing entity and can be amended accordingly as trial and error findings are made. When designing this Manual, you must always have in the back your mind,

“Can I open a second location with his Manual model and not have any problems?”


“Can I open 10 locations that this Manual model and not have any problems?”


“Can I open 1000 locations that are the Manual model and not have any problems?”

Your goal must be to develop the best working system of the model and when it’s complete your system must work like clockwork.

So, what should go in your Operations Manual model?

Continue reading to find out more...

As I said before- EVERYTHING!

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