How can mental health issues affect an individual ?

The hospitality industry faces overwhelming uncertainty and risks right now. The loss of a job and loss of stability increases a person’s risk to experience mental health issues… and they are at a much higher risk to attempt drastic actions”

Maintaining mental health is both more challenging and more important in these unprecedented times. Sam-Erik Ruttmann is speaking with Dragan Donkov
Manager Learning & Development, EMCC Accredited Coach, MHFA Instructor
How this effects leadership, how to recognise the signs of mental health issues, and how to provide help for those affected.
How to seek help? How to help each other and provide ¨mental health first aid¨.

Sam-Erik Ruttmann shares videos on Hotel Tech and emerging technologies for hotels.. Tips on livestreaming and podcasting, audio, interviewing, hosting shows and interviews with world-class speakers, leading industry suppliers, top performing hoteliers, sharing about their inspiration, lessons they learned and how to make an impact to grow business.
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